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Answers to your most common questions about METC

METC advises on policy, promotes tech application, and coordinates strategies to integrate emerging technologies into our national economy.

We provide a platform for startups to collaborate, innovate, and grow within a supportive ecosystem.

Yes, METC encourages partnerships to propel technological research and innovation.

Detailed information about our projects and initiatives is available on our 'Projects' page.

The METC aims to position Mauritius as a leader in emerging technologies by advising on national policies, promoting tech applications, and driving innovation and research.

We work closely with the government to shape policies that foster a thriving environment for technological advancement and innovation, ensuring they align with our national vision.

You can get in touch with us via our contact box and we'll be in touch ASAP

Our projects range from research and development in new technologies to implementing tech solutions across public and private sectors to drive the national economy.

The METC acts as a centre of excellence, offering resources, training programs, and networking opportunities to foster research, innovation, and skill development.

We advise and work alongside government bodies to coordinate strategies for the promotion and adoption of emerging technologies, facilitating a unified approach to tech integration.

We focus on establishing an ecosystem conducive to the long-term growth of emerging technologies, encouraging sustainable practices and continuous innovation.

Interested parties can reach out to us via our contact page to discuss potential collaborative projects and partnerships that align with our mission and mandates.

We organize a range of events, from workshops to international conferences, to promote knowledge exchange. Keep an eye on our Events page for upcoming opportunities and registration details.

You can follow us on social media, or regularly visit our News section to stay informed about our latest activities and initiatives.

We establish links with international institutions and tech bodies to facilitate global knowledge sharing and collaborative innovation projects.

The private sector is invited to collaborate with us on various fronts, from participating in tech solution implementation to engaging in strategic dialogues that shape the future of our digital economy.